Round Dance of the Union [Hora Unirii] - Vasile Alecsandri
added by: Octavian

Let's hold hands, don't stand apart
People with Romanian heart
And let's dance when plays the band
On Romania's fair land.

Weeds from fields should fade away!
Strife in country shouldn't stay!
And between us let's have still
Only flowers and goodwill.

My dear neighbor, my dear Vlach
Come and join me for good luck,
In our life to have one goal
In our death to be one soul!

No one can be strong alone
When to need and pain is prone
But two people never fail
And the foe will not prevail!

Our mother is the same
We resemble much, I claim,
Like two firs in one embrace
Like two eyes upon one face.

Both our names are good and great
Both we share the same old fate.
We are brothers, we're the best
One heart beats in our chest!

To the Milcov come, don't doubt,
With a sip we'll dry it out,
So the road to have no fear
When crossing the old frontier,

And the holy sun will see
Our feast, for we feel free,
And are dancing round, in chain,
On Romania's rich plain!

Translator: Octavian Cocoş

see more poems written by: Vasile Alecsandri